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Winning With The Word Joan E. Murray

Sep 30, 2022

Listen to this encouraging prayer; it will give you hope and inspiration during all the trials and triumphs in your life.

Sep 29, 2022

Listen to these inspirational words; it will give you hope and encouragement during all the trials and triumphs in your life.

Sep 28, 2022

GOD SO LOVED is a new series from The WORD with Joan Murray Ministries.  The greatest act of love ever recorded in history, is when GOD sent His only Son, JESUS, so that we may live through Him and live life more abundantly.  Remember GOD IS LOVE.

Sep 27, 2022

Listen to this encouraging devotional; it will comfort, inspire, and give you strength when facing daily struggles and challenges.

Sep 26, 2022

Listen to this encouraging prayer; it will give you hope and inspiration during all the trials and triumphs in your life.